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Kindergarten-4th Grade: Students will be learning and reviewing classroom procedures. All classes will be introduced to what career education is and what we will be learning about: jobs, our community, social skills we need to practice and other standards that will be taught throughout the school year.



Kindergarten-1st Grade: Students will be learning about jobs like a firefighter, police, EMT, and a bus driver. Students will also practice role playing various jobs at centers.

2nd-4th Grade: Students will be learning about first responders, bus drivers and how making mistakes is part of learning.  Students will be completing various lessons in Smart Futures as well.


November and December

Kindergarten: Students will be playing job bingo, learning about jobs through centers and about the election and what the president and others does.

1St Grade: Students will be learning about community helpers, learning about jobs through centers and about the election and what the president and others does.

2nd Grade: Students will be learning how to find a job through ads in the newspaper, various social skills and completing activities in Smart Futures.

3rd Grade: Students will be learning about social skills, the importance of following directions at a job and working on activities in Smart Futures.

4th Grade: Students will be learning about social skills, completing a job application for a classroom job and working on activities in Smart Futures.



Kindergarten-1st Grade: Students will be learning about goal setting, entrepreneurship, practicing jobs at centers and celebrating the 100th day.

2nd Grade: Students will be learning about goal setting, entrepreneurship, and working on their virtual career portfolio in Smart Futures.

3rd Grade: Students will be learning about entrepreneurship while running a virtual lemonade stand and working on their virtual career portfolio in Smart Futures.

4th Grade: Students will be completing the Botvin Life Skills program with Mrs. Svencer.




Kindergarten and 1st Grade: Students be role playing at job centers, learning about jobs/entrepreneurship and the importance of kindness at home, school and a job.

2nd  and 3rd Grade: Students will be using Smart Futures, learning about entrepreneurship, various jobs and the importance of kindness.

4th Grade: Students will be finishing the Botvin program, using Smart Futures, learning about entrepreneurship and participating in the scrabble tournament if they choose to.



Kindergarten: Students will be role playing at various job centers and learning about the 16

different career clusters.

1St Grade: Students will be role playing at various job centers and learning about the 16

different career clusters.

2nd, 3rd and 4th Grade: Students will be completing activities in smart futures as well as learning

about the 16 different career clusters.


April and May

Kindergarten and 1st Grade: We will continue learning about entrepreneurship, role playing at job centers and learning about the 16 career clusters by using the Paws in Jobland website.

2nd Grade-4th Grade: We will continue learning about entrepreneurship, exploring the 16 career clusters by using the Paws in Jobland Website, and completing a final activity in Smart Futures.