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Our North Star Elementary Cyber Academy will follow the same curriculum as the physical school.  Students will be North Star students with a North Star teacher overseeing his/her progress.  A few benefits of the North Star Elementary Cyber program are below.

  • Our program is a tuition-free program. There will be no additional costs to the family.
  • Your child will have the opportunity to come into school and meet with the actual teacher, one-on-one, if they need extra help or enrichment.
  • A cyber teacher is available every period of the day for students to receive assistance.
  • Parents have the opportunity to meet with teachers whenever necessary. (Other cyber schools can typically only offer meetings in the virtual setting.)
  • Your child will be eligible to receive all health benefits—vision screenings, dental exams, physicals, etc. – that are offered.
  • Your child can attend dances, activities, and field trips, which allows them to maintain a connection with the school community, if they choose to do so.

If a student decides to return to the traditional setting at North Star, the transition from North Star Cyber Academy will be very smooth. North Star teachers will have full awareness and access to the student’s curriculum in the Cyber Academy. They will help facilitate a smooth transition upon the student's return to the traditional classroom.

If you would like more information regarding the North Star Elementary Cyber Academy, please contact Mrs. Svencer, Guidance Counselor or Mrs. Wright, Elementary Cyber Academy Coordinator.